Henery Press

Henery Press is now accepting mysteries of all genres, chick lit, novels 65,000-90,000 words, previously published/backlist titles, simultaneous subs, agented or not. Their website says, “Browse our catalogue, read the blurb, read an excerpt, read the book. If you think your manuscript fits in, give it a shot.” In the subject line, put your name, the genre and the title (for example: Grafton, Mystery, A is for Alibi). In the body of the email, give the word count, genre, title, and a short but intriguing blurb. Give a short bio of yourselfโ€”not a resumeโ€”and include your social media presence. If your book is part of a series, how far along are you? Was it previously published? If yes, by whom and when? Attach the manuscript as a Word document or .txt file and send to subs@henerypress.com.

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