From the Editor September 2015

Where’s WPN? You’ll see in the upper right corner the icons that link to all our social-media profiles. Right above that is the link to log in. The Yahoo group is going the way of the dodo, so be sure to find us on Facebook and other social media.
51BtvIReVcL._SX333_BO1,204,203,200_This month’s topic is the dreaded query letter. You have a great idea and a magazine to pitch to. Then what? What if the editor thinks it’s a dumb idea? Maybe there’s a typo in the email? You’ll be banned for life! How much do you put in and how much do you leave out of the query letter?
Linda Formichelli, author of The Renegade Writer, has a quick and easy-to-read article that will guide you through potential pitfalls. She’ll show you what most people would do, why that might be wrong, and what to do instead. Then you can query without qualms!
Linda and Carol Tice are teaching their popular Pitch Clinic class again in October. Linda and Carol hire real, live magazine editors to critique your homework–this time they have the executive editor of Redbook, a former Writer’s Digest/current Print Magazine editor, and one editor to be determined.
There’s a list of fun (and weird) holidays and writing prompts to get you going. Artists can use these as well. After all, they’re there just to stir up your brain, no matter what you do with them afterward.
September is back-to-school month (although many start in mid-August now) so take the quiet time in the middle of the day, even if it’s just a few minutes at lunch, to do something for yourself before it’s time to chauffeur kids to after-school activities and to monitor homework. Maybe you could work on that query letter…
Editor, WPNews

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