Why Self-Publish? with Mark Levine

WPN Member Teleseminar with Mark Levine.

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Teleseminar Description:
Why Self-Publish?” with Mark Levine will give you information on self-publishing so you can choose the best self-publishing plan for you and avoid some common pitfalls of self-publishing.
Mark discusses the reasons to self-publish and the difference between self-publishing yourself and working with a self-publishing company. (What you don’t know can cost you!)
Mark also covers:

  • The state of the publishing business in general (trends)
  • What you need to look for in a self-publishing company, and why contract terms, reputation, printing markups, and royalties matter to you
  • Why print-on-demand is the best and worst thing for self-publishing.
  • Why high printing markups by some printers and self-publishing companies virtually assure no retailer buy-in
  • Why self-published authors should NOT spend time worrying about being in bookstores.
  • The successful books Mark has worked with, and what they’re doing to get noticed.

About Mark Levine
Mark Levine is the author of the Fine Print of Self-Publishing: The Contracts and Services of 45 Self-Publishing Companies Ranked, Analyzed, and Exposed.  (Visit www.bookpublisherscompared.com and get a free 30 minute consultation, if you buy the book.)
Mark is the president of Hillcrest Publishing Group, Inc.  Hillcrest provides book publishing, marketing, printing and distribution services for authors.  Sites owned by Hillcrest include:

Mark was one of the founders of Click Industries, Ltd. an online company that provides products and services for small business owners, writers, musicians, and other artists.
Mark is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Georgetown University Law Center.  In addition to The Fine Print of Self-Publishing, Mark has also published scholarly works and two novels, including Saturn Return.