Welcome to the SPAWN blog

This area of the Web site contains information that changes often, such as new issues of WPNews, which are posted every month.
You also can find out more about our members, and access information about current events, contests and awards.
Please use these links to explore the WPN blog:
WPNews from July 2009 – present. The most recent issue appears first in the list.
(If you would like to view archives from 1/97 – 6/09, please use this link).
Contests and Awards
Events and Opportunities
WPN Members
If you are a WPN member, you also can use the Log In link to access the private member areas of the site.
There you will find all the archives of Market Update and other member benefits and information.

Explore the WPN Web Site

The WPN Web site offers information on writing, editing, and publishing books. Check out these links: