Editor's Note by Sandra Murphy

The Anthology of Cozy-Noir—http://amzn.com/B00OQXADAYThis month we’re talking about anthologies. How are stories in an anthology chosen? Who decides on the order of the stories in the book? Andrew MacRae from Darkhouse Books will explain all. Although the royalties are divided among the writers who contribute to an anthology, there is the benefit of having eight or nine writers promoting the same book. Each contributor’s bio is included too, so each writer can tell about his or her other published works. Let’s face it, anthologies are just plain fun to write for—creative themes and great writers—what more could you ask for?
Bobbie Christmas has additional information about the topic in the Ask the Book Doctor column.
Tammy Ditmore is off to Publishing University as WPN’s representative. She’s left contact information, so if you have questions, send them along. She’ll be doing some live posting on Twitter and Facebook, so be sure to follow her. Next month’s newsletter will have a report on what Tammy learned.
An anthology is like a box of chocolates—there will be some favorites, something new to try, something to chew on, and a few nuts. Enjoy!
Sandy, Editor, WPNews editor@spawn.org

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