Barbara Florio Graham/Simon Teakettle Ink

Barbara Florio Graham
SimonTeakettle Ink
535 Charles-Desnoyers
QC J8P 3X4
business phone: 819-663-3206
fax: 819-663-4063
Author and publisher, teacher
books: Mewsings/Musings by Barbara Florio Graham and Simon Teakettle; Five Fast Steps to Better Writing and Five Fast Steps to Low-Cost Pubicity, by Barbara Florio Graham
She provides mentoring and coaching in various types of communications, sells a database of Canadian libraries and speaks to local organizations. She has contributed to 36 anthologies in six countries including three editions of Canadian Writer’s Guide, the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild Handbook and several editions of the Alberta Poetry Yearbook. She also mentors in publishing, freelance writing and marketing/publicity strategies and she teaches online courses in creativity. She also created a Facebook group called Freelancers Working Together and write’s regularly for several publications, including Freelance Writer’s Report, SCRIBE and the West Quebec Post.