73rd World Science Fiction Convention, Spokane, Washington, August 19-23, 2015

Sasquan is the 2015 World Science Fiction Convention, also known as “Worldcon,” the annual gathering of science fiction and fantasy fans. Worldcon celebrates the best works and creators in the speculative fiction field and culture.
The convention will feature panels, presentations, readings, autograph sessions, kaffeeklatsches, and discussion groups, as well as participatory activities including writing, art, and other workshops, costuming and cosplaying, filk and other music, games including role-playing, board, and card games, fanzines, children’s programming, and other activities,
There will also be an art show, dealer’s room, exhibits on science, publishing, and the history and culture of fandom, and a world-class stage masquerade with the best fan costumers. The convention theme will include content from stories and storytellers of the Northwest, from aboriginal legends through the technologies of present and future to the possibilities and impossibilities of what we can imagine.

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